Meet Wendy
Elected to the Monterey County Board to Supervisors in 2020, Wendy Root Askew is a mother to a young child, wife to an architect, and daughter to a parent educator and retired Army Colonel. A creative problem-solver with 4th generation deep roots in our community. Wendy is committed to advancing policy that promotes the ability of families – in all their form – to thrive.
Supervisor Askew is committed to supporting all Monterey County residents to have their basic needs met in safe, connected communities where there is opportunity for personal fulfillment and access to protected natural resources. Her priorities as Supervisor include: social equity, healthcare access, high quality services, access to affordable child care, water and mass transit solutions, increased accountability and customer service for County services, housing, and recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.
Wendy currently resides in Marina with her young son and her husband, Dominick.
Supervisor Wendy Root Askew is a transformative leader who asks the tough questions, speaks truth to power, leads with integrity, and delivers results for the families, seniors, students, and veterans who rely on the services the County provides.
A Letter from Wendy
As a fourth-generation Monterey County resident, raising my own young family here, my local roots run deep. I care passionately about our community and know that there are so many others who share my love and passion for our County and our future. We may not always agree, but we must continue to work together, honestly and respectfully, to uplift our shared values of fairness and equity for all.
I’ve never been so proud to call Monterey County my home and never been so grateful to see so many neighbors fighting for shared values of clean water, safe schools, affordable housing, integrity in leadership, workers rights, and equity and opportunity for all.
I am deeply committed to principled, transparent leadership laser-focused on keeping our communities safe, spurring living-wage job creation, and addressing the housing needs of current and future residents.
Thank you for placing your continued confidence in me to lead our communities forward.
Wendy Root Askew